Past events

Chapter 218 - Past Events

Cen Family is a family of 100 years, the number one family in the martial arts world. The Cen Family Lord had a man and a woman below him, and the eldest son, Cen Huayan, had a Seven Apertures Mystical Heart.

As for Cen Huayue, who was born with a strange bones, was a prodigy in martial arts. Back then, she was selected by a martial arts prodigy and took away to be a disciple.

Cen Huayue grew up to fifteen years old, and her master gave her a soft whip as a gift for her to attend to as a teacher.

After returning to the Cen Family, Jiang Hu Meng, who had yet to walk the martial arts world on her own and was in charge of chivalry and righteousness, met with a man she liked at first sight.

Inside the walls of the Cen Family, a fifteen-year-old girl was sitting on a swing. On top of the high wall, a young hero was sitting on it.