Delay time

Chapter 224 - Delay

"Mystic One, prepare some tea." Black Turtle lightly lifted the teacup and blew on it. The fragrance of the tea lingered in the air as he took a sip at a leisurely pace.

Soon, a man wearing a black cloth came back with two clean tea cups and two clean chairs.

After preparing everything, Black Turtle placed the teacup in his hand to the side and asked in a loud voice, "Esteemed guests, why not come out and have a cup of tea instead of hiding?"

Both Cen Huayue and Mu Duqiu who had hidden in the bushes and wanted to observe closely were startled. They looked at each other and saw the same shock in each other's eyes.

The doubts in their hearts became bigger and bigger. They clearly did not make any movements, so how could this person know?

Although he was doubtful and shocked, Cen Huayue was the master of a sect after all. With this kind of panic, she didn't lose her manners.