
Chapter 279 - Initial

It was early in the morning, and the sky above Mo Bei was still dark. The air was slightly moist, and the dew was still condensed on the face of the camp.

Xuanyuan Chen crawled up from under the blanket and greeted each and every soldier with a smile. Those soldiers who were greeted by Xuanyuan Chen felt a little dizzy, as if they had not woken up yet.

When Lin Mu came out of his tent, he saw the scene in front of him. He was stunned for a moment, and looking at his master's joyous expression, he seemed to understand something.

He took a step forward and asked with concern, "Why are you not seeing my wife?"

Xuanyuan Chen squinted his eyes and said quickly: "A Rong is still resting."

Lin Mu's ice-cold face had become slightly more gentle because of Xuanyuan Chen's somewhat pleased expression, "Your Highness, this subject has something to inform you about."