Unchanging heart

Chapter 301 - Unchanging Intentions

"Changge must have snuck out this time." Lin Mu asked indifferently as he grabbed food for Xuanyuan Changge.

If this was in the capital, Lin Mu would definitely still call her Princess Xuanyuan Changge since the rules of etiquette and restrictions were needed. However, in this military camp where the two of them were alone, Lin Mu was naturally not stupid enough to disturb the warm atmosphere. Thus, he changed his way of addressing Xuanyuan Changge as Zhang Ge.

"Lin Mu, can you not be so smart?" Xuanyuan Changge pouted, her charming little face drooping, but her mouth did not stop chewing.

As a princess since she was young, the royal family's etiquette allowed her to ensure that she would be able to spit out words clearly even while eating.