
Chapter 400 - Unworthy

It had already been five days since Gongsun Heng's banquet, and the injuries on his arm had already completely healed. After being cooped up in bed for five days, Xie Qingrong could finally stretch his muscles and bones.

Xuanyuan Chen, Xie Qingrong and the other two decided to roam around the Chu Country City for a day and then return immediately.

After the three of them finished their lunch at the restaurant they frequent, they started to stroll around the streets. Xie Qingrong planned to buy some souvenirs to bring back to the Emperor Xuanyuan and Queen Zhangsun.

After all, the two of them treated her like their own daughter. How could she not be grateful?

After picking out the items that looked good, he paid the bill and found that there was someone clamoring nearby.

Xie Qingrong frowned, thinking that something had happened. Just as sshe wanted to let the matter go, he heard a cry from the crowd.