
Chapter 402 - The Sea

The sea breeze blew past Xie Qingrong's hair, along with her ink-black hair. Xie Qingrong stood on the boat, closed her eyes and felt the warmth of the sun on her body.

Chu Country Princess Gongsun Yan saw that Xuanyuan Chen had left Xie Qingrong's side, and stealthily approached Xie Qingrong. Standing beside Xie Qingrong, he took a deep breath of the sea breeze.

The warm sunlight was still on him, and he felt warm all over.

Gongsun Yan's gentle face carried a bit of a smile, and she looked even more beautiful.

Xie Qingrong originally had a very good impression of Gongsun Yan, but after experiencing the trap set during the birthday banquet, Xie Qingrong kept her distance from women like Gongsun Yan.

Every time Gongsun Yan got closer, she would frown and retreat a step. Until there was nowhere for him to retreat to, Xie Qingrong said coldly: "Princess, if you have something to say, just say it.