Bastard of the Poor and Evil

Su Xingyue was in a daze and felt that she was being pressured by something to the point where she couldn't breathe. At this moment, a fierce-looking man was drooling with disgust. His rough hands were randomly pulling at her clothes.


When Su Xingyue woke up, she saw the villager, Da Niu, lying on her body and carelessly kissing her. The tip of her nose was filled with an unpleasant smell of sweat and her heart was filled with disgust. "F * ck your mother!"

Ye Zichen mustered up his strength and kicked Da Niu, who was lying on the ground, away. She rolled on the ground and quickly got up.

"Stupid girl, you f * cking dared to kick this grandpa. Look …"

"Look at your sister!"

Da Niu quickly stood up and viciously pointed at her. His eyes were filled with lust. "You dare to f * cking hide a man inside a cave? What are you pretending to be serious for!"

This Su Xingyue's appearance was one of the best in the village. He had long fallen for her, but this damned girl didn't know what was good for her. This time, he had gotten a chance!

Su Xingyue was stunned. Could it be that this damn ox had seen it all? Yes, she did save a man and hide him in a cave.

"It's you again, you cowardly bastard! Great! Today, this grandaunt will make you unable to be a man!"

"Stupid girl, speak so arrogantly and see if your father will kill you!"

Da Niu bared his fangs and brandished his claws as he attacked. Su Xingyue clenched her fists and quickly dodged. She raised her leg and used all her strength to kick between Da Niu's legs. Soon after, a heart-wrenching scream came from the mountain.

If it wasn't for the fact that this body was too skinny, she could have killed this man here. What a joke, in her previous life, Su Xingyue was not only a Master Chef of Jiangnan, but also a hoodlum of Taekwondo. It was a piece of cake for her to deal with a few thugs.

Seeing Fan Da Niu screaming, she walked over to him and squatted down like she was looking at a dead dog, "Fan Da Niu, for the sake of the same village, I won't beat you up, but let me warn you, if you continue bullying women in the village, I'll …"

"Su Ling, have mercy on me! I won't do it again, I won't do it again!"

Fan Da Niu was terrified, and kept begging for mercy. The pain in his lower body made him want to die, so he could only bear with it.

This Da Niu was the tyrant of the Xiao family's village. Normally, he liked to bully young girls from noble families and some villagers. A few girls in the village were ruined by him. Even the owner of this body, Su Xingyue, was often bullied by him.

Thinking about it, the original owner, Su Xingyue, was also very pitiful. Not only was she in a poor family, her father didn't care about her and her mother, she only had a crippled little sister who had a good relationship with her.

"This is what you said. If you dare to bully a woman again, your grandaunt will beat you to death the next time and throw you into the river to feed the fishes!"

"I don't dare, I don't dare. Aunt, can you spare me?"

Da Niu begged for mercy in pain, but in his heart, he hated Su Xingyue. However, what made him puzzled was, this Su Xingyue, who had always been a coward, seemed to have become a different person.

In the past, he didn't dare to retaliate no matter how much he bullied him. Why was he so powerful today?

"Scram, immediately scram!"

"Scram, this is how you do it!"

Seeing Da Niu running away in pain while holding onto his legs, Su Xingyue finally let out a sigh of relief. She wasn't a good person. It wouldn't be that easy to bully her!

"Elder sister, elder sister!"

A woman's voice sounded from within the forest. Su Xingyue turned around with a gentle smile on her face. "Sister, I'm here!"

Not far away, Su Yu, who was limping, heaved a sigh of relief when she saw her. She was also very thin, dressed in coarse hemp clothes, and was half a head shorter than Su Xingyue. The two sisters did not look alike at all.

Su Xingyue saw that she was struggling to walk so she quickly went up to support her. "Little sister, why are you here?"

The little sister Su Yu was a lame girl. Su Xingyue's heart ached for her. Ever since she was reborn in this body, she would take care of anything heavy. She just didn't want her little sister to suffer.

"Elder sister, you haven't recovered from your illness. Why have you come to the mountain?"

"I've recovered from my illness. I'm here to look for something good to eat!"

"Delicious? Elder sister, what are you planning to bring home today? "

Every time she went down the mountain, she would bring some strange things with her. However, when she cooked, although she couldn't call out the name of those things, Su Yu felt that they were the most delicious things in the world.

"I …"

"Aiya, look at my memory. The pig at home ran away. Mother told you to go back quickly!"

"What? The pig ran away?"

In a remote mountain village, if this pig ran away, it would be a great matter!

The two sisters hurriedly descended the mountain. It was a village called the Xiao Family Village, and there were more than a hundred families below. The terraced fields surrounded the entire village like a huge wall, surrounding the village.

The Su Family's small house was located at the front of the village. The two sisters hadn't even reached their house when they saw Big Yellow, who was wagging his tail and stumbling his ass over there to welcome them.

"Stupid girl, why did you just return?"

She hadn't even stepped into her house when she heard Old Man Su's pig-like roar. Su Yu was so scared that her entire body trembled. "Elder sister …"

Everyone in the family was afraid of their mother. When their mother got angry, they really didn't recognize anyone!

"Don't be afraid of her, go!"

The moment Su Xing Yue supported Su Yu into the small courtyard, she saw the Su family's parents standing at the door. Father Su was wearing a coarse hemp robe and looked to be about forty years old, smoking a pipe without saying a word. When Old Lady Su saw the two sisters, she shouted, "Stupid girl, where did you go?"

"Xingyue, Su Yu, in the future, you are not allowed to run up the mountain. Do you hear me?"

Father Su put down his pipe and reprimanded them. Seeing that the two sisters were silent, he coldly snorted and said, "It's good that you're back. Go back to work!"

"Dad, where did the pig run off to? I'm going to look for it!"

"Stupid girl, when you come back, all the pigs will belong to someone else. If you keep acting like this all day long, let's see if this old lady won't break your legs!"

"Break my legs, Mom. If I'm crippled, who's going to make you good food?"

"Stupid girl, you still dare to talk back? Let's see if this old lady will take care of you today! "

"Enough, what are you saying? If your neighbors saw you mistreating those two sisters, they would definitely not stop worrying!"

After Father Su scolded her, he continued smoking his pipe. When Old Lady Su saw that her husband was actually protecting these two losers, she stomped her feet in anger. "You dead old man, you …"

"Mother, big sister, she …"

"Come over here for this old lady. Why are you running around blindly with your lame leg all day? Do you not think this old lady's face has been thrown away enough by you?"