Phantom at Night

"Yes, sprinkle the pepper, wrap the flour, add a little salt, fry it with 70% oil and quickly fish it out. After cooling down, you will get a crispy taste."

Uncle Gu was an old foodie. After eating it in one gulp, he approached her, lowered his head, and whispered into her ear, "Girl, with just that little trick of yours, it would be too inexperienced to lie to Uncle!"

Su Jin Se was stunned, then cupped her fists in a begging posture. "Uncle, please!"

Uncle Gu smiled warmly, "Although this thing doesn't look good, the appearance and taste it produces is quite good!"

"To be able to obtain Chef Gu's acknowledgement is my daughter's honor!"

The Su Clan parents walked up and said their own polite words.

"Auntie Su, this daughter of yours is extraordinary!"

Even though she had invited many people to the banquet today, she had calculated that she had not lost anything. This was because the majority of the villagers did not come empty-handed, and most of them came with gifts. Now that she had calculated it this way, she had earned even more today.

"Elder sister …"

Su Yu walked in from outside, "Elder sister."

"Sister, is everything ready outside?"

"Yes, Sister. Are you busy?"


"Sis, if we also have such a good business tomorrow, how good would that be?"

"Don't worry, I've already inquired about it. Tomorrow, a caravan will come here to collect medicinal ingredients. Those are the rich!"

"Big sister, today you really scared me to death. I even thought that Uncle Gu …"

"He won't. Actually, the Bamboo Bug is a good thing, rich in collagen. It's good for the skin if the woman eats it!"

Su Yu swallowed her saliva. It didn't matter to those who didn't know, but if they knew that they were eating bamboo bugs, who knew if …

Moreover, her elder sister had also told her and her mother to go up the mountain to find the chrysalis. During the first time they tried, she didn't know where those things had gone to. She didn't expect that they would be eaten by her elder sister.

"Sis, let me tell you something!"


Su Yu thought about it, then decided to tell her. "Last night, when I was up, I heard Father and Mother talking about you."

"Me? What did you say? "

Su Yu hesitated for a moment, but still chose to tell her, "I think I heard dad say that you're not our family's child!"

"What do you mean?"

"Big sister, I don't know if I heard wrongly or not. If you aren't my big sister, then who are you?"

These words caused Su Jin Se to be puzzled as well. Could it be that the owner of this body wasn't the daughter of this family? No wonder, when she said she wanted to call him Jinye, the Su family's parents agreed almost without any objections. Could it be that the original owner was really not made for it? No wonder Father doesn't care about Mother and doesn't love her, but that's not right. Su Yu and the others don't love her either.

Su Yu thought that she was sad, "Elder sister, don't worry. It's also possible that I heard wrong!"

"Silly girl, even if I'm not your sister, in my heart, you'll always be my sister!"

"Sister, I want to be with you forever!"

"Silly girl, how can you be together with me forever? In the future, you need to find a good man to marry. You will have a cute child, a happy home!"

"There won't be!"

Su Yu turned around and sat down. With a frown on her face, she said, "I'm a cripple. Which man would want me?"

"I won't allow you to speak like that about yourself. So what if you're a cripple? You have a pair of hands, you have a clever brain, you're not inferior to others, do you understand?"

She knew that Su Yu's problem lay in her legs. She wasn't confident when she was young, so she would always follow the rules.

"But …"

"Let me see your leg."

"Sis …"

This was the first time Su Jinther had seen her leg. The original owner's memories were scattered and incomplete in his mind. She didn't know how Su Yu's leg got crippled.

She squatted down and opened up her pants. When she saw that the bones in her legs had become deformed, she touched them and Su Yu could not help but tremble. "Big sister, it hurts."

"Little sister, tell me, what happened to that leg?"

Initially, she thought Su Yu was born with a disability, but she realized that wasn't the case. Had the leg bone been beaten or fallen?

"Elder sister, did you forget?"

"I forgot. Tell me, what happened to your leg?"

Su Yu lowered her head, "It fell from a tree when I was young, it hurts so much that it hurts. Mom and dad didn't have the money to take me to treat my sickness, so they made me lie in bed for a month. But a month later, I got up and walked, and it became like this!"

"Damn it!"

Even if the parents of the Su Clan didn't have money, they could still borrow money. If only her legs had been treated in time when she was young, they wouldn't have ended up like this.

"I don't blame my parents. They are too poor and didn't have the money to treat my illness. Elder sister, do you still remember?" When you were young, you stole things and got beaten up by others, but your luck is better than mine. Your legs will recover in a few days, but, I … "

"You said that when I was young, I would steal things?"

"Elder sister, do you not remember?"

She suddenly felt that she said the wrong thing, "It's fine, it's fine. Let's not talk about the past anymore. You should go home first. Elder sister has to prepare the dishes for tomorrow."

"Sister, shall I help you?"

"There's no need. You should hurry up and go back!"

It was already late in the morning, and the entrance to the village was in complete silence.

She finally had time to be alone. She sat by herself at the table and looked at the lantern hanging on the signboard at the entrance of the village. In that instant, everything was quiet, as if she was the only one left in the entire world.

She had been reborn in this body for almost half a month and had gradually adapted to the social background here. This was a dynasty that had never been seen before in history. The capital was located very far away from here. She heard that the emperor's surname was Zhao.

She couldn't help but think of that iceberg man in the cave. She had saved him with great difficulty, but he had left without even saying a word of thanks. Thinking of this, her stomach was filled with anger.

"Wuwuwu …"

Suddenly, a burst of ghostly wails and howls came from outside the quiet village. Su Jin Se was startled and immediately stood up. She took out a burning stick from the kitchen and looked around warily, "Who's there? Come out!"

At the quiet village entrance, the sounds of wailing ghosts and howling wolves were getting closer and closer. Subsequently, she saw a person with disheveled hair walking out from the darkness not far away, who wore white clothes and had a long tongue protruding out of his mouth.

"Alright, grandaunt will catch a ghost tonight!"