Entering the Finals

Dong …

Everyone stopped what they were doing as it was clear that the time for the competition had come to an end. Meanwhile, Su Jin Se saw the Red Braised Meat that Autumn Mother cooked, and compared to her, although the color of the meat was deeper, it was probably because there was too much soy sauce in it, however, it was still filled with a fragrant smell.

In the second round of the competition, Su Jin Se, Qiu Niang, and even McDong, relying on the sweet and delicious, soft waxy red braised pork, had successfully entered the finals.

The match continued into the evening, and as it was going to rain, the finals had to be cancelled for the time being. The finals were scheduled to be held tomorrow morning.

The sky was like a child's face, changing at will. In the evening, the pitter-patter of the rain continued.

Su Jin Se was brought to the county magistrate court by an official. The butler chuckled, "Miss Su, please wait for a moment. The county magistrate will arrive very soon!"

"Butler, is the county magistrate looking for me?"

Su Jinsi wanted to go home and rest first. She still had to hold the finals tomorrow, so she had to rest well.

"This, this old servant doesn't know. Please wait a moment!"

After the butler hurriedly left, the county magistrate arrived not long after. She hurriedly knelt down and greeted, "My daughter, Su Jinye, greets the lord!"

"Su Jin Se, get up."

The County Magistrate was in a good mood, and it could be seen that this Su Jin Se didn't disappoint him today and had fought for his honor!

It had been eight years. Danyang County had lost eight years as the host. No one would have the face to continue losing now!

"Thank you sire, I wonder if sire will summon this humble girl …"

"It's for tomorrow's finals!"

The county magistrate didn't want to be long-winded either.


Of the five ladies of my Dan Yang County, only you are still participating in the finals, which is truly shameful. So, tomorrow you must defeat Qiu Niang so that I can hold my head up in the culinary competition. As the host, I lost eight years.

Su Jin Se slightly bowed, "This humble daughter will do her best. But my lord, this humble daughter heard that Master Qiu Yun is that mother's aunt, I'm worried …"

"There's no need to worry about that. This is my territory, so cheating is not allowed. Don't worry, with me here, they won't dare to act recklessly!"

"Yes, in that case, this humble girl is relieved!"

"Alright, you only need to know that tomorrow you are not competing for yourself, but for the honor of the entire 30,000 people in Dan Yang County. Do you understand?"

Su Jinsi suddenly felt pressured. But now, she could only grit her teeth and continue on. No matter if it was for her own life or the face of this county magistrate, she had to go all out!

"This humble girl understands!"

"Alright, go home and rest. Tomorrow, I'll see how you behave!"

"Yes sir!"

After Su Jinsi left the county magistrate, the downpour outside did not stop. On the street, it was quiet and only the barking of dogs could be heard. The air was especially fresh after the rain.

She walked alone to the main street. As she walked, a man suddenly walked over from not too far away!


Su Jin Se's heart tightened. Seeing that it was Fan Da Niu, she frowned slightly and said in disgust, "You're a good dog, get lost!"

"Yo, your temper is quite good, I didn't expect a girl like you to enter the finals. It looks like I've underestimated you, come, grab her. I'm going to cut off her hands and see what you're going to do with it tomorrow."

As soon as Fan Da Niu finished speaking, a few delinquents grabbed at him with long blades. Su Jin Se was not an easy person, she grabbed one of them with her bare hands and spun her body agilely, kicking one over with her foot.

"Aiyo, my waist …"

"Quick, catch her …"

He was still not fully recovered yet. With so many people, he was not his opponent, and with his 36 strategies, he was able to lift his leg and bring up a man. Then, he started running, and when he reached the alley, he suddenly realized that there was actually a dead end, a dilemma.

"This is bad!"

At this moment, Fan Daxu and the other men came chasing after her. Seeing that she had nowhere to run to, Fan Da Niu smiled sinisterly, "How about it, you silly girl? You want to run?"

This time, let's see if he can't cripple her!

Seeing that they were getting closer to him, Su Jin Se reached out her hand to stop them, "Don't come near me, Fan Da Niu. What are you trying to do? You killed Uncle Gu, and you still want to harm me?"

"Stupid girl, it's already the middle of the night and I was the one who killed you. Who knows what happened? Come, grab her for me and cut off her hands!"

"Yes, Big Brother!"

A man with a beard walked forward with a machete in his hand. Su Jin Se was forced to retreat. What should he do? Fan Da Niu was going to kill her tonight. How could he get out of this predicament!

"Stupid girl, you can't blame me for this. Who told you to talk back to our boss!"

"Fan Da Niu, you need to know that I represent Danyang County in the competition tomorrow. If I die, the county magistrate will definitely investigate this matter!"

"What does the victory of Danyang County have to do with your father? Why should the county magistrate care whether you live or die? Why are you still in a daze? Grab her and chop off her hand!"

Just as Su Jin Se was looking in all directions to find a way to block this man, a large number of soldiers suddenly arrived nearby. "Don't move …"

A dozen or so officials surrounded them so tightly that not even a drop of water could trickle through. When the leading yamen runner saw this, he coldly smiled and said, "Good, you're too bold. You dared to kill people in the streets. Come, take them all away!"

"No, you guys misunderstood. I didn't want to kill her. I was just messing around with her."

"Fan Da Niu, the lord has been keeping an eye on you for a long time. You actually dare to disrupt the lord's plans. Come, take him away!"

"My lord, my lord, I have been wronged!"

Fan Da Niu didn't expect that the county magistrate would send someone to follow this damned girl, and he was caught red-handed. Only after Fan Da Niu and the rest were taken away by the officials did Su Jin Se heave a sigh of relief, "Sir, what's going on?"

This scared her to death. She really thought that she was going to die here. After all, she was outnumbered. Her little bit of kung fu was useless in front of so many people.

"The lord was afraid of your safety, so he asked us to follow you home. Who would've thought that we would see Fan Da Niu and his gang wanting to bully you. Girl, are you alright? We'll send you home!"

"I'm fine, thank you!"

Of course, Su Jin Se didn't think that this county magistrate was a good person. He just wanted to protect her and ask her to win the reputation of the female chef tomorrow in order to win honor for Danyang County.

The night was silent. A bright moon gradually appeared from the clouds, shining its bright light on the earth!

Inside the Elegant Lair Inn, a woman sneakily arrived at the door of a room and lightly knocked. "Aunt, it's me …"