Defeating Autumn Mother

Qiu Yun saw that Qiu Niang actually dared to refuse to accept defeat and came up on stage to cause trouble, so she became even angrier. "You shut up for me. What, you can't afford to lose?" Your dishes are not as good as hers, this is a fact. If you don't believe it, then try it yourself! "

Seeing that her aunt was angered, Madam Qiu felt embarrassed. The people below the stage were all looking at her with disdain. "Look, has Madam Qiu gone mad? Can't afford to lose?"

"That's right. Don't compete if you can't afford to lose. Why are things so ugly?"

"That's right. He even went to blame her aunt. Such a person is really shameless!" If your skills are inferior to others, then what's there to be embarrassed about? Quickly come down! "

With so many embarrassing words in her ears, Qiu Niang's face turned red like a tomato and she kneeled down immediately. "Auntie, I'm sorry, I was wrong!"

Qiu Yun saw that she had realized her mistake and helped her up. "If you don't know enough, then it's progress. Stand up."

She looked at Su Jin Se, who was beside her, "Su Jin Se, I hope your future path will be better the more you walk on it."

"Thank you, Auntie. Su Jin Se is young and inexperienced, and she has a lot to ask of you."

"What a humble lady. I am ashamed of myself for being able to make such a simple fluffy and delicious dish. I have nothing to teach you. Qiuniang, why don't you get up?"

"Yes, Aunt!"

"Say hello to Miss Su. It can be considered fate to know each other. In the future, we can spar with each other in culinary arts!"

Qiu Niang, however, was unwilling. She turned her face away and said sourly, "There's no need. Since Miss Su's skills have surpassed mine, how would I dare to spar with Miss Su? Isn't that just asking to be humiliated? "

She had enjoyed the glory here for eight years, but this time, she had suffered a crushing defeat. What she could not accept the most was that her own aunt had pulled her down.

Qiu Yun saw that Qiu Niang was reluctant to leave and shook her head helplessly. "My lord, farewell!"

"Father, Mother, did you see that? Big Sister won! Big Sister defeated the concubine who had been cooking for half a year!"

Su Yu was grinning from ear to ear, while Old Man Su and Old Lady Su were also overjoyed. This was great! This time, the two sisters could be saved.

He hadn't thought that Qiu Yun would end his marriage with such righteousness. He was truly a good person!

"Everyone, quiet down. I hereby announce that the winner of this year's Young Girl's Cooking Competition is Su Jinsi from Danyang County. Please give her a round of applause!"

"Great, great!"

The people below the stage were extremely excited. Dan Yang County had not won for eight years, and everyone felt that they had lost a lot of face. As the host, Dan Yang County lost every year, and they were mocked by the people of Qing Ping County.

Luckily, this year, Su Jin Se had brought them great rewards. Although she was wearing the body of a sinner, she had also brought honor and glory to the entire Dan Yang County!

"Thank you everyone!"

Only then did Su JinSe heave a sigh of relief. She had won after all!

Su Yu, our little lives will be saved for now!

The two judges stood up, "Su Jin Se, congratulations, continue working hard!"

"Thank you masters!"

"Su Jin Se, you have done well and did not disappoint me. Today is the first time I have been happy in these nine years. Since you have obtained the honor I want, I will naturally be able to promise you that!"

The moment he said this, the crowd didn't understand, and someone even jumped out, "My lord, Su Jinsi is the killer that killed Gu Li. Even if she gets the honor, she will still be locked up and beheaded!"

"Indeed, my lord. To pay with one's life, to pay with one's life!"

The people were forgetful and soon forgot about the honor she had claimed for the county. She had taken off her aura today and was now a prisoner on death row.

Su Jin Se coldly looked at everything and only smiled bitterly. At this time, Su Yu even knelt down and shouted, "We were wrongly accused. We didn't kill anyone!"

"Kill to pay with my life, pay with my life!"

The county magistrate waved his hands, "Be quiet, I have already found out that the real killer of Gu Li, Fan Daniu, has been apprehended and interrogated. Fan Daniu has also admitted the fact that he killed Gu Li, so the Su sisters are innocent!"

"What, the culprit isn't the Su sisters, it's Fan Da Niu? How is that possible? "

That day, Su Jinsi's store sold the Immortal Tofu, so Fan Da Niu thought of poisoning and killing someone with one move. He personally infiltrated Gu Li's home, poisoned the porridge he ate, and caused Gu Li to die.

"What, it was Fan Daniu who poisoned Gu Li? This Fan Daniu is truly benevolent. "

When everyone heard the county magistrate's words, they all began to criticize Fan Da Niu.

Su Jin Se didn't expect that the county magistrate would really do this for her even though she hadn't escaped to avenge Uncle Gu.

She immediately knelt down and kowtowed, "Thank you, Sir, for your insight and for returning our sisters' innocence!"

"Su Jin Se, now you're free to go. Come, bring the prize over!"

The prize was a golden spoon, and the craftsmanship was exquisite and lifelike. "This is the honor of the young female chef. I hope you can work hard and create your own world on the way to the culinary arts."

"Thank you, master!"

"That's great, big sister. Big sister has become a young girl cook and big sister has become a young girl cook!"

Su Yu clasped her hands together with a face full of joy!

When she returned to the Xiao family village with her family, the villagers were already waiting at the crossroads. They did not care about their elderly bodies as they personally came to welcome her, "Su Jinsi, welcome home!"

"Aiya, Li Zheng, why have you come?"

Old Man Su didn't expect that the village would come as well. It seemed that her family would become famous in the future.

"Su Jinye is trying his best to win glory for this county. As for me, of course I have to come welcome him. It looks like the name Jinye really suits you!"

"Su Jin Se still hasn't thanked Li for helping me change my name?"

Li Zheng smiled kindly, "It's a small matter. Jinsi, I know you've been wronged. That damned Fan Daniu killed Gu Li and he still wants to frame you two sisters. This is great, finally the heavens have opened their eyes, he has received his punishment!"

"That's right, Fan Daxu has committed many evil deeds, he has finally received his retribution!"

However, in her heart, she felt a little sorry for Uncle Gu. If he didn't kick Fan Daniu's lifeblood to death, there would not have been any enmity. Perhaps, Uncle Gu would not have died.

When she thought of this, she wanted to grab Fan Da Niu and cut open his flesh. If she let him suffer an excruciating punishment before he died, she would be able to quell the hatred in her heart!