There Was a Roar of Injustice

Old Man Su turned around angrily and hurried back, "Ignore your mother, she's like that. She's just a woman. Hurry, let's go. Be careful on the way. Once we reach the prefecture, send a message to Father!"

"I will. Let's go, dad!"

Su Jin Se carefully helped Su Yu up onto the horse. The bulging bag contained fifty taels of silver, which was given to her by the dog official. In order to curry favor with him, the dog official had to put in a lot of effort in protecting her black muslin hat.

After the two of them mounted the horses, Su Jinsi glanced deeply at Old Man Su. "Father, you two take care, my sister and I will be leaving!"

"Hey, when you get there, remember to send a message to dad!"

The horse gradually left the Xiao family village and galloped towards the main road. Su Yu tightly hugged Su JIngsen's waist. Seeing that she was very skilled at riding horses, she couldn't help but ask, "Big sister, do you know how to ride horses?"

Strange, my sister didn't know how to ride a horse in the past.

Su Jin Se didn't intend to hide it from her, "That's right, I know how to ride horses. Hug me tightly and sit down. We are still dozens of kilometers away from the Southern County. We have to travel the entire way, are you able to bear it?"

"No problem."


A white horse was galloping along the road. At noon, the sun was very high and made the sun burn painfully on people's bodies. Su Jin Se and Su Yu found a pavilion and prepared to rest for a while.

There were cliffs everywhere and it looked very desolate. Su Yu was slightly afraid, "Big sister, there shouldn't be bandits here right?"

She remembered that there were often troubles here. The bandits had used the natural barrier here to commit crimes, and the officials could not do anything about them!

It won't be, they won't come out in the middle of the day, and we don't have anything to take away from them. Look at our clothes, they are all the clothes of poor families, we just have to look like they have no money.

"Elder sister, did that dog official say when we could come back?"

"No, sister. If the Great Guardian is satisfied with my culinary skills, we can stay in the Southern County and properly develop. When we have money, we can open a restaurant. It will be better than returning to the Xiao family village."

That's right, she had already calculated that if she was too satisfied with her cooking skills, she would stay in the Southern County and gather some silver and fame to set up a restaurant in the Southern County. She did not expect that her wish could be realized in the ancient times.

She even dreamed happily, flourishing the delicacies she could cook in this unfamiliar dynasty, taking root everywhere.

"Alright, sister, I'll support you in whatever you want to do."

Su Yu's eyes were sparkling. Following her elder sister, she would be happy and supportive no matter what she did.

It was her elder sister who had brought her out of the abyss, allowing her to see light and hope once more.

"Good girl, come and eat."

After Su Yu ate a few bites, she suddenly saw a group of people walking over. She asked cautiously: "Big sister, look, there seems to be someone coming over?"

She stood up, and sure enough, not too far away, there was a group of about a dozen people, carrying a red sedan chair and a few red-clad sedan-bearers. Next to the sedan was a matchmaker, holding a fan and twisting her butt in a rather comical manner.

"Why would the group that sent off the bride come here?"

Su Jin Se was slightly worried. She looked around at the precipitous cliffs. If those bandits chose to rob things here, then there would be nowhere for them to run.

An uneasy feeling flashed through his heart, "Little sister, are you full yet? "Let's go!"

"Elder sister, what's wrong?"

"It's nothing. Let's hurry on our way after we've eaten our fill!"

Su Jin Se helped Su Yu up onto her horse and stood up as well. Clenching the horse's belly, they sped towards the Southern County. Before the horse and the escort team even met, a thunderous voice suddenly sounded from the mountain.

The horse was startled and raised its leg to cry. Seeing this, Su Jin Se immediately got down the horse with Su Yu and quickly found a place to hide. Su Yu was frightened and saw that not far away, there were many men holding long sabers to block the bride!

The man in the lead was dressed in black and appeared to be cold. When the matchmaker and the sedan bearer saw this, they were immediately frightened and kneeled down to beg for mercy. "Please spare us, sir. We don't have any money. We're only there for marriage!"

Zhu Jiu saw that they were begging for mercy, but he couldn't bear it. He glanced at the red sedan and said, "If you don't have money, then leave the bride behind!"

"Don't! The bride can't be given to you. You can't …"

Many people left the things in their hands. Zhu Jiu's men wanted to kill this long-winded matchmaker with a single slash, but before the big blade could come down, the matchmaker was already scared out of her mind.

The bride was scared out of her wits and dared not to come out. Zhu Jiu waved his hand, "Come, grab her for me and gift her to the Second Leader to be his wife!"

"Yes sir!"

The bride was caught. She was a pretty girl around 13 or 14 years old and she kowtowed in fright. Zhu Jiu tore off her red hair and saw that she was really pretty, "Second Boss is so lucky. Come, take a look at all the treasures. Let's go!"

"No, don't capture me. I beg you, I won't marry anymore. Can't I?"

The woman kept crying, but she was dragged along by Zhu Jiu's men. In the deep and serene cliff, her screams were very pitiful.

When Zhu Jiu saw this, although he could not bear to do so, thinking of how the Second Leader was a powerful figure, he gritted his teeth and hardened his heart, "Shut up. Why are you crying? Isn't marrying other people the same as marrying the Second Leader?"

However, the bride kept shaking her head. "No, the person I want to marry is the young master of a scholar's family, not a bandit …"

"Head, this bitch looks down on us. Should we …"

A man with a knife was about to teach the bride a lesson, but Zhu Jiu reached out his hand to stop him, "Enough, if you injure her, the Second Boss will blame us, and we will still be in trouble. You, shut up and if you scream again, I'll cut your tongue off and feed it to the dogs, don't cry, take it away!"

Just as they were about to leave after snatching the people and things away, suddenly, a sharp little rock hit Zhu Jiu's head. He felt pain, covering the back of his head, and immediately looked around, "Who, who the hell hit me? Get the hell out here!? "

In the underbrush, Su Jin Se suddenly walked out. Her appearance immediately attracted the attention of the bandits and Zhu Jiu.

"It's me, your aunt!"