Got a Spy!

Ao Tian's face changed, "What nonsense are you talking about?"

Zhu Jiu took out a dead pigeon from the side. When Ao Tian saw this, his eyes flashed with despair. Could it be that he had been exposed?

"What is this?"

"I don't know what you're talking about."

Zhu Jiu stepped forward and sneered, "Don't you know? Then go and find the boss and explain. Someone, grab him!"

"Who dares? I am the Second Manager, who dares to capture me?"

Ao Tian took out his sword and began to fight with them. None of them seemed to be his match and he was instantly injured by Ao Tian. Zhu Jiu also took out his sword and said, "If you dare resist, kill!"

Ao Tian's martial arts were very high. He killed his way out in just a few moments. He rushed out of the house with the intention of escaping. Seeing this, Zhu Jiu hurriedly chased after him.