Mountain Village Competition Start

"Ah Yu!"

Su Jinsi coughed and saw Li San walk over to invite her. "Chef Li, it's time. Please!"

Li San slightly bowed and did his best to show off his skills. "Madam, this way please!"

The two people went up the stage under the escort of the crowd. Next, Zhu Jiu stepped forward and loudly shouted, "Boss, Second Boss has arrived!"

Everyone saluted in succession, and the white robed Jun Pao Ling and Ye Feng slowly approached him from that direction. Su Jinsi frowned as she glanced at him, but the moment she saw him, she immediately remembered what happened in bed just now, which actually made her blush.

Dead man! I almost ate her on the bed, but luckily she woke up!

"Today, our stronghold will hold the first culinary competition. Participant Li San, Su Jinsi, the original intention of the competition is to compare notes with the culinary arts and cultivate an even more outstanding chef. Now, I announce the competition's topic!"