You Guys Hurry up and Go too Many Guards Want to Catch You!

'Forget it, let's go back and sleep. 'She didn't want any trouble right now, so why did she need to put her back against the tree to participate in the competition?

It was already late in the morning, and the streets were already extremely quiet. Only the gongzi's voice could be heard through the streets.

"The sky is dry, so be careful of the fire!"

The gongzi who was beating the gongzi swung back and forth on the main street, striking the gongzi. Everyone was sleeping soundly within the Elegant Lover Inn, and it was extremely quiet.

At the staircase of the second floor, there was a mysterious man in black robes. The man in black wore a black veil that revealed only his pitch-black eyes. He quietly went upstairs and found a room. He pushed open the door and walked in.

"Strange, where is he?"