Be Set on Fire

After she said this, she used a small bowl of soup to pour into the pot. After all the broth in the pot had been sucked dry, she added a clear and crisp green vegetable dish, which was quickly stir-fried, causing the celery, minced meat, and some of the fans to mix together to achieve the taste of all sorts of ingredients.

"Beauty, let me have a taste."

Dongfang Xi couldn't help but want to taste it, but as soon as he swallowed it, he immediately gave out endless praises, "Seconds! Beauty, you truly are my fortune to have you here! "

"Bring it to your father!"

"What else do you want to do?"

"I want to cook a few new dishes so that I won't be disturbed. Get out. "Get out!"

"Don't, I can help you try out the dishes if you cook. If you don't taste good, I can also help you speak a few nice words in front of my dad, pissing him off. He's going to fall out!"