I'm Sorry but We Can't Protect You Anymore!

Three days passed by in the blink of an eye. When Su Jinsi finally arrived at the entrance of the imperial palace, he saw that there was not a single guard there and was about to knock on the door when, before his hand could even touch the door, it was slowly opened. The one who opened the door was Dongfang Xu.

He was like a nightingale, quietly waiting for his partner to return.

She was a little surprised. There was not a single person guarding the door. Something was wrong.

"Dongfang Xu …"

How did he know that I went out and was still waiting for her? Could it be …

He saw it?

Not good, would that Jun Poria Cocos be in danger?

Dongfang Xu could tell from her expression that she was worried about that man.

"Don't worry, my father isn't in the manor, and I won't send anyone to capture him right now!"