I'il Chop You Chefs off

Then she started to deal with the dragonlice and the grubs. The grubs were fat and beautiful like earthworms. Don't underestimate their ugliness, but if made well, they were indeed a delicacy.

The night gradually fell, and a bright moon hung high in the sky.

At the entrance to the first tier city, a luxurious carriage gradually approached. The coachman jumped off the carriage and saluted the person inside. "Young Master, we've arrived!"

A man wearing a conical hat on his head alighted from the carriage. He raised his head and looked at the first-rate door, "Is this it?"

"Right here?"

"Is he here?"

"Not yet!"

As soon as he finished speaking, a man riding a horse appeared nearby. The man had a knife scar on his face, and when the man wearing the bamboo hat saw this, the corner of his mouth hooked into a smile.

"He's here!"

"Young Master, that little servant is waiting for you on the side?"

"No need, you go first."