You Take Me up the Hill

"Shut your stinky mouth. If anyone heard your words, it would be terrible. Stop spouting rubbish and watch carefully. If there are any suspicious people, arrest them immediately!"

"Yes sir!"

She was so tired that she had to dismount and lead her horse along the road. Her heart was filled with worry and she couldn't figure out where they would go if they didn't go back to the village since they had already escaped.

As she walked, she noticed through the candlelight on the street that a dark figure had appeared. She immediately stopped and pretended to be calm.

"Come out, don't follow me!"

Upon hearing that she had found out, the person behind her hurried forward to greet her. "Miss …"

"Who are you? Why are you following me?"

She knew that this person probably didn't have any enmity towards her. Otherwise, she would have died a long time ago.