Yummy Rabbit Meat

"This won't do, the inn is still a few dozen kilometers away, it's not safe to travel in the dark. Besides, the horses can't take it, so let's just stay here. There isn't much to do outside the inn."

Seeing that Su Jin Se had said this, Zhu Jiu could only agree, "Alright, madam, be careful that I help you down."

The two walked in and found that this place was not big. Zhu Jiu quickly set up a bonfire. The bonfire burned brightly, and the bright flames drove away the night and the cold.

He passed the dry rations he brought along to Su Jinsi, "Madam, do you want some dry rations?"

Su Jinsi looked at the steamed bun and said with a face full of disdain, "I'm not eating anymore. I feel like throwing up after eating so much at noon and I don't want to eat anymore. How much longer do we have to go to the capital?"