Using a Flower as a Dish Is Nothing Compared To?

It had to be said that Su Jincer's carving skills were indeed excellent. The peony flower sculpted from those tomatoes were exactly the same as it was in reality. The flowers blooming on the vegetables appeared extremely unique.

Seeing how confident Nan Guo was, Su Jinsi smiled and said, "I'm afraid the one who made a mistake was Nan Guo's master, right?"

"What did you say?"

NanGuo saw that there was no trace of panic on her face. She was only slowly and confidently. Had he misunderstood the meaning of the question?

"Would the three chefs please serve your dishes and come forward …"

Both the general director and the Imperial Advisor stood up, wanting to see how they would interpret this question.

"Qiu Suiyi, bring your dishes over."