Little Susu I will Let You Reunite with Him

"Heh, no wonder no one could find your whereabouts. How could you have news of you in the palace? You were the one who gave that knowledge view to me?"

Now that she knew that other than someone of noble status, who else would be so generous as to gift her such a gift?

"Do you like it?"

He had also heard that there was a misunderstanding between her and Jun Poria. That misunderstanding was because the old man had bestowed the marriage to him. That woman called Xue Qi, with Su Jinsi's character, how could she allow other women to exist beside Jun Poria?

"You gave me such a big gift, what will I give you in return?"

Fang Zhi suddenly realized that she was very unhappy. Even though she had an estate, she was still unhappy. He also noticed that they seemed to have become a little unfamiliar?

This kind of feeling made him feel very uncomfortable, but also made him feel very helpless. Since when did he have a barrier between him and Little Susu?