What Kind of Pepper Is This?

"Brother, Miss Su must have a reason for doing this. Come, why don't we try it? I'll try the set first."

Hanba Qing had long since been unable to resist the temptation of this fragrance. One had to admit that this fragrance was simply too fragrant. It was rich and spicy, attracting his stomach.

"Please, young master."

Su Jin Se knew that the Hanba was a glutton. It was not bad for him to have his first bite, there had to be someone who would be the first to eat the crab.

After he ate his first mouthful of the lentinus edodes, a fresh and tasty taste assaulted his nostrils. Not mentioning the fact that it was extremely fragrant, a spicy and fragrant taste burst forth from his mouth. This was a taste he had never experienced before.

After swallowing it in one go, he said, "Not bad brother, come and try it. If you can't taste it, you can still enjoy it."

"Sir Murong, eat this …"