Seduce Her with Food

Su Jin Se stepped forward and was slightly angry. Xue Wa was not courteous and sized her up with her eyes. "You don't look like much. You have no chest, no butt and you're so fierce. You don't even deserve to be with handsome big brother. Why aren't you leaving him, you ugly woman."

"I'm an ugly woman. Girl, you …"

"Mistress, don't be angry. A child's words are always spoken."

"Didn't you hear what she said? Don't you know if they do? "

However, Jun Poria had already laughed out loud. "Well, my lady, of course you do. Even if you didn't have a husband, I would still love you."

Su Jinsi took a deep breath. Fine, I'll tolerate you.

"Little girl, how old are you?"

"I won't tell you."

Su Jin Se also came to play with him, "You're not telling me? Fine, I have delicious food, but I'm not giving it to you."

"Delicious? What is it?"

Snowy was a little interested. What was delicious?