This King will Do Anything for You.

"No matter what, this pearl can't be lent to Su Jinsi."

"But why did you guide her to me? Why did he have to tell her that the whereabouts of this man gave her hope? Ah Yu, your way of doing things is always unclear. "

Murong Yu took a deep breath. I just said that to make her give up. I didn't think that she would want this pearl even after knowing that it is with you. "

"So you don't want her husband to think of her?"

"That's only natural. I stayed here for her sake. I have nothing left now, so the only person I can grab is her."

That's right, he was betting everything on this. No matter what, he was going to get Su Jinsi.

"Heh, what a joke. We, the dignified and humble Master Murong and the Master Chef's disciple, actually abandoned our country just for a woman. Ah Yu, how could you have ended up like this?"