Let You See Him for the Last Time.

"I don't know who it is. I just want you to wait by the river."

"By the river?"

It was Beiming Kun!

Night fell, and a bright moon hung high in the sky.

The atmosphere in the emperor's chamber was gloomy and gloomy. The palace maids and eunuchs did not even dare to breathe loudly.

Beiming Lan paced around the hall anxiously. Seeing that the imperial physician had finished his examination, he hurriedly asked, "Imperial Physician, how is it?"

The imperial physician's face was filled with helplessness. "To reply esteemed wangfei, His Majesty …"

"What happened to the emperor?"

"The imperial physician suddenly knelt down and cried bitterly." His Majesty is dead. "

"Your Majesty …"

Beiming Lan pretended to be sad and shouted. Once she said that, everyone immediately kneeled down. Beiming Lan jumped on Fang Zhi and started to bawl.

"Your majesty, your majesty, please wake up. How can you leave a concubine behind?"