Finally Escaped

"Yes sir!"

"Wait, tell General Zhao to pay attention to Madam's situation. If Madam isn't sure about my situation, I think she'll go to the Jade Gate Pass first."

Zhu Jiu saluted, "This subordinate understands!"

It was already late in the morning when Su Jinther arrived at the border wearing the clothes of a dancer. She didn't dare to stay in the store for fear of being found out, so she could only run. However, this horse couldn't run anymore.

"Finally, the horse can't run anymore. She quickly got off the horse." You're tired too. Have a good rest? "

She came to a part of the forest that was pitch black, so she couldn't even see her fingers in front of her. She felt that she wasn't afraid, so she lit a match and found some wood to light up the bonfire. The bonfire lit up her face, lighting it up.