I must Have a Way to Get You out of Here.

He would die, of course he would.

"I don't have many years left. It doesn't matter if I die early or late. But, I will prepare for our future. At the very least, Xi Liang won't die because of me."

"I'll bring you to see Dongfang Xu for the last time!"

"The last time?"

Su Jin Se took a deep breath. The last time, could it be that he wanted it?

"Murong Yu, don't kill him."

Within the Jade Gate Pass, sand and rocks flew everywhere.

On the top of the city gate tower, Jun Poria could be seen clad in armor, looking into the distance. The soldiers of the Western Lion Army were motionless, and even the military doctors were helpless, but the problem of eating was not resolved yet, because the food cooked by the chef was not enough to feed the soldiers, so how could the soldiers fight if they were not full?

Suddenly, someone behind him clasped their fists. "Reporting to the prince, a spy has come to report, the madam is …"