The War Had Begun

Hanba took in a deep breath.

"Heh, no matter what, he's still a cook. He won't change this chef's nature no matter where he goes. Forget it, continue monitoring them. If anything happens here, bring that woman here. He is the best magic treasure to deal with the king."

"Yes sir!"

After his subordinate left, the corners of the Hanba's mouth hooked up into an evil smile. "Your Majesty, I've done everything for you. Please don't abandon me. If you dare to betray me, I …"

On the fourth day, Jun Poria and Fang Zhi's army had arrived at the border of the Western Collision. The army seemed to be in high spirits after being baptized in the heavy rain, and not far away, a scout had rushed in to report, "Reporting to the king, the prince, the army of Western Collision has arrived here."

Fang Zhi frowned as he heard this, "Murong Yu came?"

He felt incredulous as he sat on his horse. Had he known they would come?