He Is a Fake

Two months later.

The entrance of the hotel was crowded with media reporters. With the addition of some security guards and staff to maintain order, everything seemed to be proceeding in an orderly manner.

A huge wedding photo was placed at the entrance of the hall. The two people in the photo had a happy and sweet smile, as if they were just looking at each other.

The moment he stepped into the hall, he seemed to have fallen into a blissful time and space. Red carpet covered the ground, and the two sides of the hall were filled with wine banquets, flowers, and colorful ribbons. The atmosphere was extremely joyous.

The wine glasses intertwined, the lights were dazzling, the music melodious and dazzling.

Moments later, Ji Mubai stood in front of him. He raised his head and looked in front of him, a smile on his face.