The Man

I walked into Ella's cabin. I was so used to the route to reach there as if I have been traveling through the corridors for centuries.

Maybe it was because I had visited this place so often. At Least five times a day, but today something was different. I looked through the glass door but I could not find Ella there at all.

Where could she go? Ella was only reporting to Mr. Fitz. Did she go there? I could not help but look at the time. I still have 15 minutes till 2:00 pm. Should I wait here for Ella?

Although I did not want to, I still decided to wait. Who knows what else she could do if I was late in submission. I looked around as I saw the couch in a corner. I was sure that if I go there and sit, I will be able to see when Ella comes back.

I walked towards the couch but I saw that the place was empty. I raised my eyebrows in confusion. This was the place that was always occupied. There was someone or the other that could pass by at any time but today it looked like a desert.

Was it because something was going on in the company? It should be because they did not tell them anything, maybe because they were still on permission.

As I reached the couch I saw a man sitting there talking on the phone. He was wearing a three-piece suit as his eyes looked at me. I could not help but stop for a second. His eyes were sharp and hypnotizing. I could only smile as I walked and sat. The couch was in L shape, so I made sure to sit at the end from where I could see Ella's door.

I texted Jane quickly.

[Rose- Why is it so quiet here?]

[Jane- Didn't you go to Ella? She allowed you to use your phone?]

[Rose- No, She is not here. But to be honest the floor is very quiet. I can hardly see people.]

[Jane- Is there something, wait let me check.]

I hummed as I kept the phone in my hand, waiting for Jane's reply. As I looked around I could not help hearing the words of the man.

"Mother, I know. You are thinking too deeply. I will handle everything."

I blinked. To my surprise, the man's voice suited his voice. It was deep and tempting, just like hot chocolate. I cannot help but listen more. I really wanted to stop but the tone of the voice just made me act unconsciously.

"I will marry soon, mother."

"I will let you meet my girlfriend soon."

"Yes, I will bring her home."

I smiled subconsciously. The man was facing the same things they all were. I wanted to listen to more but my phone vibrated. As I looked down there was an email on my phone.

I hurriedly opened it as it was work-related. I could not help but sigh. My hold on the phone tightened. "My luck," I murmured.

As I looked up I saw the man looking at me. His eyes were filled with confusion as to what I was saying. Or at least it was what I thought. I could only smile as I got a message from my mother.

[Mother- If you don't start dating then you have to give Luke a chance.]

I bit my lips as my eyes shook. Why was my mother behaving in this way? I could only shake my head as I replied in annoyance.

[Rose- Mon I still have time.]

[Mother- Yes, till 14th. Four days from today.]

My hold on the phone tightened. "I hate valentines day," I murmured in annoyance. I did not know why I would tell my mother that I will have a boyfriend till this Valentine's day. If only I would have kept my mouth shut then all things would not have happened.

Yes, I know why it was happening. It was because of Luke. That man, I swear I will destroy you once I get a hold of you.

"Boyfriend problem?" A man's voice said as my eyes blinked. I turned sideways only to see the man looking at me.

I smiled helplessly, "At this point, I wish I had one."

The man raised his eyebrows. I knew that he was filled with questions. I sighed as I told him in a soft voice, "My mother wants me to start dating before this valentines day. I just wish I could find someone till then, but the chances are low."

The man raised smiled. Even his smile was beautiful. His lips curled up in an arch making him look like a devil.

"I think it is a common problem with the people of our age."

"Seriously," I said anxiously. Somehow my body had relaxed and felt comfortable talking with the man. "But you do have a girlfriend."

The man's eyes sharpened as I felt a little guilt. "I mean .." I looked down as I made my mind to confess. "I heard you telling your mother that you will bring your girlfriend home."

"But before the man could respond, I hurriedly explained, "Sorry, I didn't do it intentionally."

The man smiled. It was not a mean smile but a genuine one. All I could hope was that he understood me. But before he could say anything I looked down at the phone only to realize that Jane had replied.

[Jane- The new President is here. I think everyone is busy rectifying and sorting things out for the meeting.

Oh, and did you check the mail. They had pushed our evaluation before, we have to make a report on what we have done so far. I heard it was all the President's plan.]

I could feel the headache coming. The situation here was already so hectic and creating a report. I was having a bad feeling about it.

The man asked again, "Is it your mother again?"

"No, it's work." I kept the phone as I looked at him.

"Do you like working here?" The man asked. Although it was a common question to ask, there were many layers hidden in it.

The first thing that I have ever learned is not to badmouth your company to anyone, after all, it gives you bread and butter. Just smile and say all the good words.

"Yes, I feel lucky."

The man did not reply right away as if he was evaluating something, "But then why do you look stressed?"

"Oh" I shook my head as I tried to explain, "We have our evaluation pushed forward. I need to work on the report so …"

"Evaluation?" The man raised his eyes as he moved a little towards me. "Are you on probation?"

I nodded my head. I was about to say something when my phone rang again. It was Jane calling. I was confused as I smiled at the man to tell him with my eyes that I was picking up the phone.


"Skip the hello," Jane's whispers came through the receiver. "Where are you now?"

"In front of Ella's cabin," I said. I looked at the door, but Ella had not come yet.

"Come here fast," Jane whispered in a hurry. "The President's secretary is on our floor. Mr. Kennington had left his office to evaluate things on his own. He might be on our floor. We are instructed to be on the seat, working."

"But …" My hold on the file tightened. I was sure that if I do not give it to Ella then the evaluation would make me suffer.

"Rose, listen to me on this. Ella is selling your ideas as hers to the managers. It would not make a difference. The higher up have told us not to be disrespectful to Mr. Kennington."

I can understand where Jane was coming from. I had no choice but to listen to her words. "I will be there." I turned around and smiled as I told the man who was there. "The president is coming. We should go to our respectful position."

The man nodded but he didn't get up. I should have forced him to leave? Anyways I did not. It was useless. I had informed him so I must leave. As I crossed Ella's door I could not help but look back. The man was sitting in a position that made him invisible to the eyes. I turned but soon I was blocked by the person.

Before I could react the women shouted at me in annoyance. The voice that could haunt me in my sleep. "Can't you see where you are going?"

"Sorry." I looked down as her body shook.

"Is this the work that I told you to submit?" Ella said as she raised her eyes. She took the file from my hand as she moved her hands indicating me to go.

The anger that was deeply buried in me was boiling up. I closed my eyes as I looked at Ella. "I wanted to discus .."

Before I could finish, she said in a rude tone. "You don't need to give your opinions to me. You have done your work so you could leave."

I swallowed as I saw Ella entering her cabin. She closed the door leaving me standing behind. I could not do anything. I could not defend my work.

'I have to be patient.'

'Yes, Ella is going to evaluate my work.'

I told myself before a voice said from behind me. "That was something."

I turned around only to see the man blinking his eyes. His face was well sculptured as he looked tall and handsome. Maybe it was then that I realized that no matter where the person is, it always shines.

Maybe it was not because he was handsome that attracted others, it was his personality too, his aura.