My eyes were looking at Andrew who had walked a distance. 

I did not know with whom he was talking to or what was the topic of this conversation, but I knew that something was bothering me.

'Maybe it is work.' I thought as I bit my lips. There was a little uneasiness in my heart as I thought of the meaning behind Andrew's words, but before I could think deeper into it I saw him walking towards me.

Andrew's eyes had a different glow. It was as if he had found something interesting suddenly.

"Let's eat," I said in a soft tone, as I started to arrange the plates on the table. Andrew nodded his head as he sat down opposite me. 

Andrew's eyes never left mine as if he was observing my every move. What was so interesting to him about me? 

Andrew's actions today were a little wrong. I served him as I sat down. There was something unusual today as I started feeling a little anxious. Something was about to be happy.