
I moved around as I searched for my phone.

My alarm was ringing somewhere. I knew it. But I did not touch the table. From when did the table become this soft? Wait, soft? I got up from my sleep, as I say straight in a hurry. 'S***, I shouldn't have done that.'

My head started paining as I touched it. I opened my eyes a little wider as I looked around. What was I doing in bed? My eyes widened as I looked at the side but soon my fright was replaced by a sigh of relief.

I walked out to the sound of my alarm but my phone was in Andrew's hand, who stopped the alarm. As he turned around he looked straight at me with a spoon in his hand. I can tell that he was cooking something.

Andrew wore the same clothes that I had given him at night. He smiled at me as he said, "Go get ready. The breakfast is about to get ready."