Far and Fast

"What are you both talking about?" 

As soon as I heard those words, I turned around and I saw Aunt Kara and Andrew walking toward us.

"Come on, the dinner is ready," Aunt Kara said as she smiled at her husband and me. "Rose.."

Aunt Kara extended her hand and I simply took it naturally as I followed Aunt Kara.

The dinner was filled with happy energy as we enjoyed the quiet time. The chief at Kennington was blessed with talent. Everything that was on the table was beautiful and mouth watery, not only visually but also in taste.

When our dinner was done, the beautiful choco lava cake was placed in front of me. Before I could put my spoon into it I could see two pairs of eyes looking at me in anticipation.

I swallowed hard as I smiled at the mother and son pair. I am getting nervous now. The poor choco lava cake soon became a very important decision making at this point.