
I entered the office as my eyes looked around.

I was subconsciously aware that the man I thought was an ordinary secretary was the President of the company. 

I need to be aware. I need to keep a distance and focus. I knew that it was a necessity. I was getting distracted a lot recently and that too was only because of a single man.

I looked down at the watch to see the time and realized that it was the one that Andrew had gifted me.

'Ahh... I'm still thinking about him.' I was frustrated as I made my way towards my seat. 

"You look in a mood," Jane said with a smile on her face, "What happened? Did the holiday silently kill you?"

"You wish." I shook my head as I sat down on my seat, "It was like a deep dive into hell."

Jane laughed as if she was enjoying my misery. How can she be this happy, especially when I was struggling? But I could not blame her. She did not know anything that I had gone through in a single day.