When I was about to enter I could see Jane laughing.

"Who said that I could not come here?" Jane's lips curled up in sarcasm. "Look, you are here too. Who would have called Ms. Ella here?"

I could see Ella's smile slipping as she saw me standing at the door. And soon Jane followed her gaze as she smiled at me. "Oh, you are back. Did you clear all the doubts with Mr. Seth?"

I blinked my eyes as I saw Seth standing behind me. "Oh, yes. Thank you for waiting for me."

I nodded at Ella in acknowledgment as I stood near Jane, "We should go now."

Ella was looking at us with a bad expression. "What work did you have with Mr. Seth?"

I did not know what to say? I looked at Jane because of who I was in this situation. But the girl was simply smiling looking at Seth.

'What is Jane thinking? I cannot be silent for long. I need to say something.' I screamed in my mind. I looked at Ella who was staring at me.