
{Andrew's Point of View}

I was looking outside with deep thoughts in my mind. I could not figure out what Jane was thinking when she decided not to take any action. 

'Did Jane try to dig deeper into the situation?'

'She must have. After all, my cousin is not someone who will let something like this slide naturally.'

'But what is it that Jane found that she decided not to bring up? The girl literally attacked her.'

'Is she the reason why Jane does not want Rose to be with me?'

My body shivered when I thought about it. Although I have gone out with Rose a lot and we have entered and left the company together we were never photographed. No one outside our intimate circle knows about us. To be honest I wanted everyone to but because there is still uncertainty in Rose's mind regarding us I could not and the very start of our relationship was based on a lie. I did not want to emphasize it a lot on it.