
I walked into the room and I saw Andrew sitting at the edge of the bed. 

His eyes looked at me as he gave a soft smile. "Took you quite long." Andrew's voice was soft but the meaning was obvious. He was not happy that I could tell. Maybe he saw me with Lucas in the garden or someone said something to him.

I shook my head as I sat beside him. I could see that the bandage was getting yellow at the place where it was burned. Maybe due to medicine. 

Andrew's eyes looked at me as I took a deep breath. I needed to explain things to him. Aunt Kara had said, communication was the key to healthy relationships. And it truly was. 

I always felt like good communication can save a lot of things, especially relationships. Maybe because I had experienced it with my parents that made me believe it, but I knew that they might not have been on good terms if they had not talked it out and been open-minded about a lot of things.