
I opened the door and saw Andrew standing at the door looking at me.

By the look of it, I felt like Andrew was about to knock on the door. As my eyes stared at him, I could feel the embellishment in his gaze. I wanted to talk to him but I was a little afraid. 

Moving my thoughts behind I blinked my eyes as I asked, "What are you doing here."

I could hear the tremble in my throat. I was not sure if it was because I had cried a lot or because of silently kept my voice intact so that no one could hear it and worry.

I looked up at Andrew who touched my hand. "Are you okay?"

I was shocked. Although I thought that Andrew might say anything to me but this. But his words did manage to bring tears to my eyes.

I pushed back my tears as I nodded my head. "I am okay now."

Andrew looked at me in confusion. It felt like he did not believe my words at all. But what I was saying is true. I was really okay at this point.