
[Mature content ahead. You have been warned.]

Andrew looked at me as he smiled. He knew that we both wanted the same things and he was not shy to get what he wanted.

Andrew lowered himself to my legs as he lifted my ankle and placed the kiss on it, moving towards my calf, sucking on it he gave it a light bite.

Andrew grabbed my thighs and spread them apart. I could feel his lower abdomen throb as I saw him frown.

Andrew lowered his lips to the pale, delicate flesh of my thighs, suckling till he made a mark. As he looked at the red hickey, he gave a smile of satisfaction.

Andrew lowered his head again, kissing my hot spring. He licked, suckled, swallowed, and repeatedly stirred his tongue around it then slipped the tip of his tongue into my slightly open entrance.

Strange heat spread through my lower regions. Before I could understand I felt an intense stimulation journey through me as something plunged inside.
