
I looked up at Andrew who was silent. I could feel that he was not happy about Jane being here but I could not say no to her.

Jane had called me in the morning when I was preparing breakfast. It wasn't an unusual call but soon I realized that she had something to say. 

I looked at Jane who was looking at Andrew as if he had done something unusual. Well, I could understand that Andrew wanted to spend some time with me alone in the morning but now wasn't the time. We would have a whole lifetime to have morning kisses and cuddling and just the 'us' time. But now there was someone who was after me and I did not know the reason why.

"Okay, now let's eat," I said as I put a spoonful into Andrew's mouth. "You wanted to say something,"

I smiled at Jane who understood my unsaid words. I wanted to know the reason for her visit and let her off.