Every life is worthy of respect

A round of applause rang out, Zhan Yan looked at Ji Weiyang who was beside him in shock, "You're the one who hosted this charity banquet?"

"Yes." He nodded with a smile and walked towards the stage with graceful steps.

The light at the scene dimmed, and when a ray of light shone onto Ji Weiyang's body, he undoubtedly became the focus of the entire audience. He was like a noble king, standing on his own stage, looking down upon all living things, talking leisurely, his demeanor was enough to conquer everyone present. A deep, magnetic voice came from the stereo, "There was once someone who told me that every life that is about to be born in this world is worthy of respect …"

Listening to his speech, Zhan Yan finally understood that the reason for the donation for the charity dinner was to set up a women's hospital in the remote areas. Their hospital has been raising money for this lately, but it hasn't worked.