To lose money or to lose one's life?

"Angie, if you knew the truth, would you have reported her and brought her to justice?" Ji Weiyang coldly interrupted her.

"I …" The pleading was stuck in her throat, and Angel was stopped by his words.

He lit a cigarette and took a couple of puffs. Then, for no apparent reason, he thought of Romejana's words: If you want a healthy child, you should quit smoking and drinking earlier. Annoyed, he put out the cigarette butt in the crystal ashtray and lazily leaned against the sofa. Angie, you go back. I don't seem to be sighing about this. "You should understand, I'm just a mother, she can't die without a clear reason.

Lu Anqi looked at him quietly as tears slowly rolled down her face. She slowly got up and actually knelt in front of Ji Weiyang.

"Angie, what are you doing?" Ji Weiyang frowned, he extended a hand, wanting to help her up from the ground, but Angel dodged stubbornly, her hands firmly grabbing onto his legs.