Mental murder

"What I want to tell you is, that was not an accident caused by Tang Yu's beastly nature. "A conspiracy."

Zhan Yan stared at her emotionlessly, his hands hidden behind his back the entire time as she tightly held the ice-cold white phone in her hands. Is that what you're trying to tell me? Back then, it was Lin Shaosheng who drugged the wine, which was why Tang Yu was able to attack me uncontrollably. I have already known about this matter from a long time ago.

Lu Anqi carelessly brushed the hair at her temples and snorted, "What I want to tell you is, the person who schemed against you, is not Lin Shaosheng, but me."

"What?" Zhan Yan looked at her in shock.

"What is it? "You don't believe me?" Lu Anqi laughed as she took out a small recording pen from her handbag. Putting her lead white fingertip on the key point, a man and a woman's conversation sounded out from the recording pen.

"I want you to destroy Wei Zhanyan."