Ji ru feng

Do you remember your first love? That big boy with a pair of sincere eyes. Do you remember the throbbing of the first embrace and the taste of the first kiss? However, he could only watch helplessly as he disappeared into the sea of people.

What would you do if you met him again? Could their initial love continue? Was this an arrangement made by the heavens, or was fate once again making a joke with ill intentions …

Ji Rufeng had dropped from the sky all the way to the first, third and second grade, and had caused quite a sensation.

It was rumored that he had grown a girl's belly in S City High School before being forced to transfer to Beijing. He smoked, drank and fought. He was a problem in the eyes of the teachers, but Ji Rufeng who was like this, managed to get first place in the school during the mock exam, falling out of everyone's eyes.

During the lunch break, the classroom was bustling with noise and excitement.