Humans have long craved the taboo and sought the uncharted. People crave things they can't have, which is why.
Adults have the same desires as children. However, they may manifest in other ways, such as lust, pride, a desire for wealth, or a thirst for power.
However, only a small number of them succeed, and they are the ones who become famous.
The difficulty of achieving one's goals lies in the fact that winning is a prerequisite for success, and winning requires the creation of a method, a path, and an opportunity. And he had the chance right in front of him.
Karma, who had previously panicked, was now calmly asking him, "What do you mean by a conjurer?"
(Exactly as I said, become my conjurer. Do so, and I will allow you to overcome your human limitations.)
A recollection came to him as the monster abruptly presented him with this proposition. It was about a story he had read as a little child someplace.
A demon from hell allegedly promised to make an unhappy person his apostle. Power was offered in exchange for the individual becoming his apostle.
The devil, however, took advantage of that person's frailty and persuaded him to commit terrible deeds. The individual became greedy, accepted the arrangement, and became an apostle.
The hero ultimately vanquished the demon, who had been using humans to wreak havoc in the town.
The outcome was that the demon and his apostle were both murdered.
"So a conjurer aims to become your toy," he replied skeptically.
"I know you're a monster, exactly like the ones in the stories; don't even think of exploiting me."
The devil took no offense and simply smiled as if he could see through everything.
(I am not like the characters in your fairy stories. I am the greatest, and no, I will not use you; I only want a mutual alliance.)
Karma didn't believe anything he said and sought to entice the demon by enraging him, so he asked arrogantly, "And what if I say no? What are your plans? What are you capable of doing? I can't even see your face to hit it from what I see."
Instead of falling into his trap, the devil said. (I recommend against doing so if you wish to save those who are important to you.)
Hearing this made him a little sensitive, but when he realized the demon hadn't yet harmed him or his family or even offered them an alliance like this, he grew interested.
"You could have killed me a long time ago if you wanted to, but you didn't. I guess I'll at least listen to you."
(Now we're getting somewhere,) says the demon.
The demon then began to tell his story about what had happened, why he needed an ally, and what was about to happen.
(For a long time, "hell" was uncontrollable. Demons fought all day, killing each other, and human souls were burned every day. That was how hell was until one day, when the seven kings of hell, who were constantly at odds, decided to descend upon the human world.)
After hearing this, Karma thought, "Seven kings of hell means—"
While supporting his point, the demon said (Yes, the ones you have probably heard of in your stories).
"So, what brought them to our world?" Karma inquired, perplexed.
(I'm not sure why, but if I had to guess, it's probably because they wanted to destroy God's greatest creation.)
He was having trouble comprehending this knowledge when, all of a sudden, he recalled being offered up to the altar of hell.
He could now put the puzzle pieces together and began to have some faith in the devil after recalling that he had seen precisely seven statues.
"Then, here's my next question. Who are you?" He posed a serious question.
He could now clearly see his reflection in the mirror, but even he could tell that the person in the mirror was not him but the demon copying him. After saying this, the demon acting as troll Karma disappeared from the mirror. The devil then gave his introduction.
The thing that had been bothering him for so long was about to reveal itself.
(My name is 'Agatha.' I'm the eighth sin. The sin of "goodness," also known as the sin of "unknown,")
"The eighth sin? What is this nonsense? I've never heard of you before. I only know about the seven mortal sins."
(Now, now, calm down. I know you've never heard of me; that's because others have erased all traces of my existence, and others fear me. They even sealed me off from the human world.)
"Seeing as you're in front of me, I guess their seal didn't work," Karma speculated.
(Of course, stopping the all-powerful is impossible for anyone), Agatha boasted.
Karma had a thought and decided to ask him. "So, if I become your conjurer, what will happen to me? What will be the cost?"
(Well, nothing bad will happen to you; you'll just push past your human limits, that's all.) said Agatha.
"Do you mean I'll get super strong or something?"
(In essence, yes.)
Everybody strives to get stronger. He was giving Karma power at that instant since one needs as much strength as possible to defend or reign over someone. Karma couldn't help but wonder about his motives.
"Tell me the cost so I can decide if it's too good to be true. Please don't say that you're going to steal my soul or whatever. "
(Honestly, I'd never had a conjurer before since I couldn't find anybody fascinating enough to approach, and every time I did, they perished in the process. You are the sole survivor of this journey. So I'm not sure what will happen to you, but there is a cost you will have to pay one day, just like all conjurers do.)
When he heard this, he asked what the other conjurers had to pay as a fee for becoming conjurers, to which the demon replied.
(Some were excessively enraged, some had their souls sold, and some even sacrificed the lives of others for it. But don't worry, I won't take your soul or anything else away from you. But remember, there will come a moment when you will have to pay a price for the power you get in exchange.)
"So, basically, you're asking for my body in return for powers, right?"
(I don't like the way that sounds, but sure, yes)
He wanted some time to reflect on everything because it had further confused him. Whether he was engaged in this situation or not, how will it impact his family, etc.?
He was at a loss for words at the moment and pleaded for time, saying, "Give me some time to think, and I will tell you then."
(As you wish, just call for me once you've made up your mind, and I'll be there. But keep in mind that we don't have much time, so don't keep me waiting.)
Note: In Greek, Agatha means 'good' for a girl's name. So Agastha means goodness. See what I did there?