"So, in conclusion, becoming a conjurer allows me to now access power that isn't of this world". Karma inquired in a startled tone.

With just one word, Agastha answered, "Yes."

Karma felt that the idea that he could become sufficiently powerful to defeat demons on his own through endless training was a bit unrealistic, but he was forced to accept it for the time being.

"You mentioned a few items earlier; could you please elaborate?"

(As I stated earlier, there are things in this world that even inspire awe in God, and the person who succeeds in obtaining those things gains a lot of power from them; those who possess such things are frequently seen in positions of kings and monarchs.)

For Karma, the entire scene resembled the settings for a video game in which items serve as power-ups and, if you manage to obtain one, grant you a heads-up.

Karma pondered this as a chance and inquired. "Given that you told me about them, I assume you already have one."

(I have none)

Hearing this somewhat disappointed Karma. "Do you at least know where I can locate these things, then?"

(I do know this)

Once more filled with hope, Karma enquired, "Then tell me where I can find one."

(Sure, but first allow me to explain. The number, nature, and location of those items in the human world are all unknown to me. I only know where one of them is, and neither I nor the other sins have any idea what it is)

This information was crucial for understanding karma. "Then, we can infer from this that other conjurers won't act in an obvious way for the time being if no one knows about the object or its use because doing so would reveal their location and result in complete chaos"

Agastha smiled and uttered only this. (Smart)

"Anyway," Karma brushed off Agastha's compliment and asked, "Tell me the location of that item you know about."

"The good news is that one of them is pretty close by, in the mountains in the north; as for the others, who knows?"

"Mountain is up there in the north, huh?" Karma murmured inwardly.

He realized right away that India only has one mountain range in the north. "Himalaya"

Agastha enquired, "So, are you going to go get it now?"

He said while giving agastha a bewildered look. "How am I supposed to travel alone to a place like the Himalayas? and how will I explain everything to my parents and what should I tell them?"

This statement was getting on Agastha's nerves, so he said. (People are so challenging to understand. You would give your parents more thought than some strong object, wouldn't you?)

"Yes, I don't want to pass away before I can accomplish anything," Karma said this with the knowledge that his mother would kill him severely if she learned of it.

He looked at Agastha as if he were pointing out that it was his fault, saying, "I don't even know what my parents will do once they find out that a real demon lives inside of their son."

For a brief moment, both were silent because they were unsure of what to do.

Karma said, breaking the silence. "Well, in any case, I'm not strong enough to do anything on my own in the first place, so for the time being, getting that item is secondary to gaining strength. Future issues can be addressed later."

Agastha merely concurred with him and said.

(If that's the case, just don't tell me that I didn't already tell you.)

He nodded his head in agreement and said, "Fine."

Having said that, Karma sat down on the uneven ground and supported his entire weight with his hands.

Agastha questioned, "What are you doing right now?"

Karma lowered his body to the floor before using only his hands to raise it back up, responding to Agastha in the process. "Push-ups are one of the best exercises to perform because I want to find out what my current limit is."

Agastha said while clapping his hands collectively. (Well done, why don't you warm up a little with 100 pushups?)

Karma stopped what he was doing and got to his feet. "What? 100? I'm limited in my abilities, and 100 for warm-up? I cannot possibly do that."

(Don't worry, you can; this is an advantage of being a conjurer; you now have a lot more stamina and strength than you did.)

Karma spoke while keeping his hand close to his face. "I don't feel any different from before tho"

(You might not notice a difference just yet, but I can tell that you have changed; follow my instructions.)

Since Agastha had been helpful up until this point, Karma decided to have some faith in his advice. "Well, if you say so."


Karma enters his home through the door at the entrance while it is still dark outside.

He said, "I'm home," and his mother emerged from the living room.

"You're back home, Karma. What the heck happened to you, God? Why are you drenched in the mud?"

His mother was quite shocked to see her son completely covered in dirt when she arrived at the entrance.

"What happened? Did you fight with anyone?" asked his mother, who had a worried expression.

Did he fight? Of course Not. He was coated in the mud because Agastha made him practice until he passed out each time, even though he was out of breath.

Karma reflected on everything that had transpired in the woods today, including how Agastha had forced him to run for roughly ten kilometers and how his weight kept rising as he attempted push-ups or weightlifting. Agastha wasn't even able to help Karma mentally; he was just annoying.

Every time Karma collapsed to his knees from exhaustion, Agastha lifted him back up and continued to torment him. Although Karma does recall Agastha stating it was for his training, he felt as though Agastha was attempting to murder him.

Of course, Karma had to make something up because he obviously couldn't claim that he was being taught by a demon in the middle of the woods. "Mom, I didn't fight, see, I don't even have any bruise on my face."

Karma made sure that his face wasn't injured whenever he fell because he was aware that something similar would occur. He accomplished this by covering his face with some clothing.

"I just tripped and fell while I was out, that's all"

His mother questioned him in a worried tone, "Are you certain you haven't hurt anywhere else?"

"No mom I even made sure to have a nearby clinic check me out, so I'm not."

He lied, but he made it seem more plausible by saying that he paid the check-up fees because he receives a set amount of pocket money each month and doesn't waste it.

"Well, if you say so."

Of course, he had to wait for the appropriate moment to tell his parents about the situation he was in, at least not right away.

"Anyhow, did dad let you know when he would be returning home?" Karma asked his mother and changed the subject.

His mother confirmed, "Yes, he said he'll be back until dinner."

As he passed his mother, Karma said, "I got it, then let me take a shower"

"Okay, I'll leave your clothes outside."