Karma was troubled by the demon's roars coming from beneath the forest. "Agastha, why is it screaming? I believe you said that demons are typically cowards."

(Since we ran away from it the entire day, it assumes that we are afraid of it and are acting domineering before pursuing its prey.)

Karma looked over the area and said with an evil grin "I guess it thinks I'm the prey then? Let's See who the true prey is."

The demon traveled to the source of the sound, which was coming from above the hills, after hearing the sound of the hammer beating.

Karma peered below the area and noticed that the demon's movements were causing the trees and other plants to rustle.

All of the rustlings abruptly stopped, and Karma panickedly searched everywhere for the demon but failed to find any clues. He took a few cautious steps back at that point because something seemed off.

From there, Karma backed up gradually while slowing his breathing to listen for any sounds made by the demon. At one point, he stopped, and that is when Agastha told him. (It's coming!)

It was the second time Karma had seen a demon, but this time he knew there was no chance to talk; one small mistake and he would perish. As Agatha gave the signal, a hand appeared from beneath the hills, followed by the whole body.

An enormously clawed demon with a difficult-to-look-at face was now in front of him.

(Karma He will attack you immediately because he believes you to be easy prey. Jump sideways and strike him as hard as you can)

The demon charged at him immediately away, but Karma anticipated it and moved to his right, swinging his hammer with all of his might towards the monster's face.

Although it wasn't the ideal weapon, it did the job; the demon temporarily lost its balance, and Karma used the chance by hitting his skull again.

The demon was visibly upset, yelling, feeling a little queasy, and struggling to maintain balance. Karma seized the chance and painted his face with crimson paint.

(Be careful; he is cautious of us now and won't commit the same error)

The demon did get unsteady, but he immediately regained control, and Karma used the chance to flee below.

The devil began to pursue him, but his vision was impaired by the paint in his eyes. But when the infuriated demon saw that his target was making fun of him, it made him even angrier, and he began to sprint downhill at top speed.

The first aspect of his strategy, which involved enraging the demon, was effective. The devil was sprinting downhill when he stumbled on the rope he had laid and slammed into the woods, which were the location of Karma's second trap. Karma grabbed the glass kerosene oil bottles and used all of his power to throw them at the creature.

The bottles broke, and the demon's body was covered with glass fragments. He was beginning to bleed a little, but suddenly Karma pulled his axe from behind the tree and struck at the demon.

Karma was knocked to the ground by the demon's strike and backslash, but he quickly got to his feet. The demon began flailing his claws in the air since he was unable to see anything.

Karma took the axe, but instead of charging in carelessly, he waited and carefully timed his assault to coincide with the demon's blows, effectively chopping off his one hand. "Take that motherfucker"

However, Karma was now hurt and bleeding from his back. He grabbed his axe and fled, picking up a rock along the way to put in his pocket.

Even though the demon was in pain after losing an arm, this was no longer a hunt for him; it was now a question of his dignity.

The demon's howls resounded throughout the whole forest, and because the paint had covered his eyes, he was blind to wherever the sound originated from.

Unaware that Karma was only observing him from a tree, the demon went in search of him in an open area.

The demon ran after Karma when he tossed a rock at the bushes. He stepped into his trap and became ensnared. The devil was trying while hanging upside down, but his efforts were in vain because he was already hurt and worn out.

(Crush him while he's still vulnerable)

Karma ascended the tree and retrieved his axe. He used all of his strength to swing his axe, striking the monster in the back. The demon screamed in pain as he was being struck, but this did not deter Karma; he continued to swing his axe repeatedly until the demon was rendered immobile.

He knew the demon was dead when there was no movement, so he pulled out the matchbox and ignited the demon on fire while he was still doused in kerosene. The demon burnt while hanging upside down on a rope.

"Go back to hell, that's your place."

After using all of his effort to slay one demon, he became exhausted and sat down behind a tree to take a breather.

He was panting and gasping for air when he asked. "Phew, is that it?

(Yes it is. You performed admirably, as I would have anticipated from my conjurer. Where did you learn how to put up a trap, by the way?)

"You know, these days, anything is available online."

Karma wiped the perspiration from his forehead, "That...took...everything...out of me."

Karma was perplexed and questioned Agatha over the unexpected arrival of the demon in the center of the city. "Where exactly did this monster come from?"

(I don't know, it may have discovered me and believed that it could kill me in my present condition, or it might have just felt a demonic presence in you and attacked you.)

This only made things more unclear to him. "Why would it cause you harm? you're their king right?."

Agastha said in an obnoxious tone, (Well, it's a demon we're talking about; it will do anything for power)

Karma closed his eyes and said, "Guess that makes sense," after reflecting on what he had said.

(But this demon isn't like any other one I've seen so far; there must be something wrong with it.)

"What do you mean?"

Agastha approached the demon's burning corpse and spoke as he moved closer. (That wasn't a demon, or perhaps it was only partially a demon. I'm not sure).

"Are you suggesting that this... perhaps was a human?" Karma inquired in a worried tone at that moment after having a thought.

(I am unable to make any guarantees. What are you going to do about that injury, anyhow? You continue to bleed)

"I'll just wrap it in a cloth for the time being and go see a doctor, I think I need first aid"

Karma pulled his phone from his pocket to see if his parents had left him a message or a missed call.

"It's odd that neither of them has called at this hour. I should head home quickly."

To stop any further bleeding, Karma wrapped his wound in a cloth and waited for the demon's corpse to be completely blasted. He even buried the rope and all of the implements that were stained with the demon's blood.

"Let's first get out of here."

Karma had to walk a good distance before leaving because there were no taxis available where he was, so he hired a taxi and first went to the hospital.

"So you trip while being pursued by a wild animal, but the animal only gave you this wound before walking away, is that right?"

"Indeed, doctor"

The doctor's utter silence served as a warning that he did not buy it. "I'll do what I can"

Because he knew the doctor was aware of his bullshit, Karma chose to remain silent throughout his treatment. "I'm grateful, doctor."

Karma returned home after receiving medical attention. He expected to receive a severe reprimand from his parents given how dark it was, so he was shocked to discover that his house's lights were out.

"They will both be extremely angry with me today, and I am about to understand why. Why aren't the lights on, I wonder?"

Karma greeted everyone inside his home by opening the door. "I'm home."

"Mom, Dad. Is anyone home?"