He rose once the flames subsided and there was nothing substantial left on the ground.

Karma used his bare hands to dig up his parents' ashes from the earth, mixing them with wood ashes, and placed them in two pots he had brought.

He sobbed, and as he did, tears were mingled with the ashes.

He said to himself, "Nothing left now..huh," with watery eyes as there was nothing left in the dirt to gather.

Nothing more could be done, so he got up and left the area in the dead of night while carrying two jars containing the ashes of the two persons that meant the most to him.

Karma opened the door to his residence in the middle of the night, carrying those jars. He removed his clothing and set the jars on the living room shelf.

He threw his soiled clothing in the washing machine and went to take a shower because they were stained from digging in the ground and collecting the ashes.

This time, he cleaned his body well by using soap and shampoo as directed.

He wandered about the house naked after getting out of the shower and wiping his hair with a towel.

In addition to being extremely hungry as he entered the living room, he also experienced intense loneliness because he was unable to ask his mother to cook for him this time.

"Oh, I guess I'll have to start cooking for myself starting today, I guess I should practice cooking more."

There were a few items he didn't care for, but he didn't feel like being picky anymore; all he wanted to do was eat.

Karma prepared his meal using whatever materials were still in the refrigerator and ate it quietly by himself at the table.

He ate quietly, cleaned all the dishes softly thereafter, and then went to bed in his room in the same manner.

He lay on his bed after turning out the lights in his room, contemplating the bare ceiling as he did so. "Goodnight"


! Chirp!! Chirp!! Chirp!

He was awakened by the birds' continuous chirping. Although he still had some sleep in his eyes, he had to get up.

He remarked to himself in a tired voice as soon as his drowsy eyelids opened while he was still in bed. "It's already morning huh."

He wanted to stay in bed a little longer but realized he had work to accomplish since he was psychologically exhausted.

Karma overcame his tired thoughts and forced himself to stand up and head downstairs.

After brushing his teeth, he entered the home and made his way to the living room, which, as I mentioned before, was still in a messy state.

Demon blood was still on the floor, and it had by this point caused stains, as well as a shattered window and scratches on the wall. Not to mention that the other room is still a disaster.

Agastha enquired as Karma was making his breakfast. (Why did you get up early today?)

He responded with the same expressionless eyes. "We need to go somewhere."


"You will know when we arrive"

He prepared a backpack that he wore on his back after breakfast and changed into new clothing.

He realized this when he observed the wall-mounted clock in the living room. "Already this much? We must leave quickly."

Karma placed both jars in his backpack before slipping out the front door.

Even though the sun was almost up and the continual honking hurt his ears, he had to come here.

To locate the bus that was about to depart, Karma searched the bus terminal. He said, "There, it's that one," and boarded the bus.

After several hours of travel, Karma arrived.

"This is our stop."

Karma exited the bus, made his way a short distance on foot, and eventually found himself by a river's edge.

(Where are we?)

For some reason, Agastha noticed the strong energy of death throughout the place and questioned why.

"This is one of the most important places in Indian history, and it is also where people bring their loved ones to bid them farewell. This is the holy river 'Ganga,' the place to say goodbye."

(Now that I think about it, it's no surprise that I felt strange coming from here. I've heard of this place before; isn't this the river where the ashes of the dead are released?)

"Yes, and that's why we're here today."

Karma continued down the river's edge to make sure nobody was there. He finally arrived in a closed place where nobody was there after some time of walking.

Karma remarked this while releasing his parent's ashes into the river and pulling out two jars from his backpack.

"You were always there for me, holding my hand when I tripped and soothing me when I cried. You were both the best parents anyone could have asked for."

As he spoke, his eyes became cold.

"Unfortunately, this is how we parted ways, but it seemed unavoidable. Mom and Dad, thank you for everything you've done for me; if given the chance, I'd like to be your son again."

Even in his final moments, Karma thought that he alone was responsible for his parent's death, as he claimed while blaming himself.

"Sorry for being this way, sorry for involving you two in this, everything is my fault, everything. But at the very least, as your son, I will hope for your two's peace."

As he spoke, a single tear fell into the flowing river. "Until we meet again someday, Goodbye."


Note: It should be noted that it is customary in India for people to release the ashes of their deceased relatives into the sacred river.