There were a total of 20 pairs that matched the diary's title. Karma obtained some numbers after working out all the pairs by swapping the alphabet for the numeric table. There were a lot of numbers to deal with.
The demon was still astonished by how quickly he discovered the diary's trick, and Karma was still working on it.
"There are a lot of numbers; this may be a hidden code, but I still need to get rid of a few."
While he was struggling with it, he discovered another pattern the diaries employed.
This is just like maths, he said to himself in a quiet voice as he finally comprehended.
Nearby, a demon who could see him heard him babbling and inquired as to what he meant.
"PEMDAS, which stands for Parentheses, Exponents, Multiplication, Division, Addition, and Subtraction, is a mathematical pattern. This is a mathematical pattern that we use."
After mentioning it, he continued by describing how this particular pattern is applied.
"To determine the correct pair, which provided us with these numbers, we first identified a pair on each page and added them to the title. To proceed, we must now remove the repeating integers."
As he started giving more thorough explanations, the demon was beginning to comprehend more and more.
He continued to wonder about one thing, though, and that was (How do you know for a fact that you are supposed to cancel those numbers which repeat themselves)
His query raised a salient issue. How does he determine that he must cancel them out and nothing else?
His response to this query was straightforward and was "When I put them together using morse code, which I had assumed would be a secret message, they don't reveal any message. This implied that there must be some coordinates, therefore"
As the devil focused on what was being spoken, it became more evident to him.
After saying this, he started canceling all the numbers that appeared more than once. As a result, he had some numbers that appeared more like coordinates.
He intended to use a website that provides location information when you enter coordinates to test the figures, but there was a problem.
He was forced to utilize it since his phone was broken and he couldn't afford to use his laptop because using the home network can reveal his location.
He stood up after taking a quick look out the window. He prepared to leave the house by grabbing his hoody, mask, and some cash.
(Where are we going?)
He answered, "I can't use a home network longer since it may be traced, therefore we will use an internet café to seek this spot," as he struggled to put on the mask and sweatshirt.
The coordinates were written on a torn piece of paper that he placed in his pocket after tearing it.
But as he was about to leave, he suddenly recalled something, walked into the adjacent room, and returned holding something in his hands that he hastily tucked inside his pocket.
Few people were on the streets because it was still early in the morning, at 8:00. Karma located the nearest cybercafé and entered.
He established a website that allows you to search for a location using only the coordinates while seated on the computer in the far corner.
He entered the number many times on the sheet of paper after pulling it out, but nothing happened.
(What now, it's not showing anywhere. Maybe you got it all wrong?)
Was everything he did merely a time waster? Was that "really" the situation?
He was informed by the devil that he was mistaken, but something prevented him from accepting his folly.
He had a visceral sensation that something—something he had previously overlooked—was being told to him.
Before It was too late Karma noticed where he was going wrong. He was using the wrong sequence all along.
"Right. I'm not doing it in the way it should be"
When the devil heard this, he inquired what it meant. He said, "We need to utilize the sequence in which the pairs were in like the numbers I obtained from the first pair on the first page will come first, and so on."
Finally, the devil realized what he meant.
As he further mentioned, Karma successfully entered the numbers and recalled the pages' proper arrangement.
Fortunately, his efforts weren't in vain. He entered some coordinates, and the website displayed the location.
"This is somewhere in 'The Himalayas'. Wait a minute let me check something else too"
He saw that the coordinates pointed to a seemingly random location in the Himalayan range and that there was no evidence of civilization in the area.
It was in a place where there was no trace of human habitation. Karma was intrigued by this and started looking for additional details about it.
He pulled something out of his pocket, and upon closer inspection, we see that it is his father's identification card.
He entered his father's ID after searching for a website that appeared to be connected to the police database.
(What are you doing?)
"I'm looking for more information regarding this place through the police's database"
The devil caught something essential as he remarked (Wouldn't using your father's ID notify the police?) as he was searching for more information to work with.
He made a very significant point, but Karma had already planned.
"It's fine, I just created a proxy using my dad's ID so there is no chance that they will suspect this, and even on the off chances, they do suspect it this will just work in our favor. They will think that the proxy is created by those who kidnapped the chief."