He was dozing off with his head tilted towards the bus window when a light breeze blew in and splashed itself like water on his face.

(Karma! Wake up!)

The voice called for him in his dreams, and he slowly lifted the shutter on his eyes.

He awoke and swiveled to one side. Standing there, the conductor was just looking at himself.

[Bus conductor: "Sir, do you want to go back the same way you came from? The bus doesn't go any further than this."]

He discovered that he was the final passenger on the bus when he panickedly looked around.

[Karma: "Oh... Yes, I should get off too."]

He nervously walked away after grabbing his bag from the bar above. He was greeted by yet another brisk breeze as soon as he set foot on the terrain.

[Karma: "Wow, it's really cold here."]